Friday, December 31, 2010

The Official Preppy Handbook

Most of my inspiration and discussion of style comes from a forum on the website, there has currently been roughly six of these such style threads within the forum (here is the latest ones as of this post, which also features links to some of the past threads) and it was here that I first heard tell of The Official Preppy Handbook, also known as TOPH as it is referred to often enough that the acronym is quickly recognized under the context of style.
I ordered my own copy online from Amazon in 2009, like the Tea Partay video, the handbook has a tongue in cheek vibe to it's explanations of the complete preppy lifestyle and I got several chuckles out of it, relating several excerpts to my relatives and especially my Grandparents.
The handbook details everything from childhood to retired age with descriptions of what sports are preppy to what jobs and schools are preppy with of course the style of dress discussed throughout.
If you are interested at all in preppy style, I recommend the read.

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